Upper Murray Family Care (UMFC) has selected MAGIQ Performance as their financial budgeting and reporting
Upper Murray Family Care (UMFC) has selected MAGIQ Performance as their financial budgeting and reporting
MAGIQ Software has developed an integration framework that provides seamless integration across your business systems.
Zendesk will allow our customers to continue to communicate via multiple online channels ensuring seamless and efficient communication.
Our US partner channel is going strong, with over 135 Municipal Authorities operating MAGIQ Performance across North America.
MAGIQ Software’s document management solution MAGIQ Documents is now available as a native Cloud software application.
The LGMA Queensland Awards for Excellence seek to recognise the outstanding work being undertaken by Councils across the state. Through the Awards, local government can acknowledge and learn from the best of local government initiatives in the state, noting the differing environments and communities that local government serves. The Awards for Excellence Gala Dinner is a special …
The Local Government Finance Professionals Association of Western Australia represents the financial and accounting professionals in West Australian Local Government. The WA Finance Professionals Conference is the leading professional development event for Local Government officers working in the finance sector, with a program that focuses on topical issues from the ever-changing finance environment. MAGIQ Software is delighted to attend and …
‘The Future is Now’ Local Government Professionals Australia, NSW is the peak body for local government professionals in NSW. With over 150 decision-makers from more than 70 councils, representing the finance sector in NSW local government in attendance, this event is the peak finance professionals conference in New South Wales. The LG Finance Conference runs …
‘FinTech is the Future – the Key is our People’ The Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA) is a peak body for health finance professionals providing value through education, development, research and networking activities. The 2018 HFMA Annual Victorian State Conference will be held in Lorne over 2 days. The conference will provide access to an …