Health and Community Services
Health & Community Services
The MAGIQ Cloud Platform enables Health and Community Services organisations to adapt quickly to business and legislative changes.

Health & Community Services organisations across Australia & New Zealand are using MAGIQ to deliver greater financial and operational insights.

Our customers achieve great results with MAGIQ
“MAGIQ enables us to empower our managers by providing them with far greater visibility of the information they rely on for their decision-making. In the aged care industry, occupancy is a major business driver. Our managers now have access to detailed reports providing an instantaneous view of current data and trend analysis for their occupancy levels, bond levels and funding ratios.”
“We are required to provide the Board of Audit and Risk with a full 3-year financial plan including Income Statement, Capital Budget, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement. The work hours spent on this process has reduced dramatically with MAGIQ Performance, while the accuracy of our budgeted balance sheet and cashflow statements has greatly increased."
"We can very easily arrange the data using MAGIQ Performance to show different workforce mix scenarios. These scenarios then form the basis of conversations we have with our clinicians. By understanding the financial impact of different workforce mixes they can start to see how they can best allocate their resources within the budgetary constraints."